Department of ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Department of ENT and Head & Neck Surgery was established in 2011. Since then; its services have been expanded each year. This department has been providing sub-specialty-oriented services along with general ENT services such as head & neck surgical oncology, endoscopic sinus surgery, otological surgery, rhinoplasty, skullbase surgery, airway surgery, audiological and speech therapy.
Departmental services
In-patient services
30 beds, allocated for ENT-HNS are occupied most of the time. The ward consist of a separate procedure room where minor are performed.
Out-patient services
Outpatient services are available 5 days a week. The number of patients has been increasing every year. We have a minor procedure room and a NPL room.

Emergency services
ENT-HNS department has been providing 24-hour emergency service for the patients.
Operative services
The department has been conducting all kinds of major and minor operative procedures. Our operation theater is well-equipped with powered devices such as microdebrider, coblation, ultrasonic device, micro-drill and CO2 LASER.
Audiology and Speech Therapy
We have well-equipped soundproof rooms where we have services such as PTA, Tympanogram, OAE, and BERA. We also perform pediatric hearing screening, special audiometric tests, play audiometry, speech therapy, voice therapy and swallowing therapy.
Academic activities
UG program:
Junior clerkship, Senior clerkship, Internship
PG program:
All the MS ENT-HNS residents are actively involved with academics in the form of case presentations, seminars, and journal presentations. The academic roster is updated yearly and usually released one month prior so that the trainee gets adequate time for its preparation. The topics cover a wide range of the syllabus and focus from the basic to the high yield which is the requisite that has to be fulfilled by a postgraduate trainee. The postgraduate residency program is a competency-based program trained and evaluated across PAHS’s eight core competencies.
Besides ENT residents, MDGP residents have 2 weeks of posting in our department.
Assessment Tools Used
- Core Content Review
- Case-Based Discussion
- DOPS (Direct Observation of Procedural Skills)
- Mini-CEX (Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise)
- EPAs (Entrustable Professional Activities)
- Fieldnotes
Research activities:
Several research activities are being carried out in the department by the residents and the faculties.